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Symbiosis SS-2 skal lære dit kameras flash at kende

15. april 2020

Learn how to pair your Symbiosis SS-2 with your camera – click here for English language

Jeg købte 2 stk. Symbiosis SS-2 som afløser for mine Sea&Sea YS-D2 og forventningens glæde var stor, da jeg hentede dem.

Glæden blev dog hurtigt vendt til frustration, da jeg kom i vandet og fandt ud af, at det hele fungerede fint – medmindre jeg indstillede styrken på blitzen til 12 eller over (der er fra 1 til 15). Blitzen skød fint af, som den skulle, men kameraet registrerede på en eller anden måde ikke lyset fra mine Symbiosis, og det var det samme på begge to, så sandsynligheden for, at det var en fejl-40, var væsentlig større, end begge skulle være defekte.

“Fejlen” viste sig at være ret simpel, da Symbiosis åbenbart skal lære mit kameras pre-flash. Det står selvfølgelig i manualen – men hvem læser den, når der kun er 4 ting, man kan trykke/dreje på ..? Jeg gjorde i hvert fald ikke, og tænker nu at der måske er andre i samme situation. Og da jeg ikke fandt noget, da jeg googlede det, kommer her en gennemgang af, hvordan man gør.

Det er ret enkelt.

Sådan gør du

Når det hele er sluttet til, tænder du for kameraet, og sørger for at blitzen skyder af, når du tager et billede. Derefter holder du “Test” knappen inde på Symbiosis mens du tænder flashen ved at dreje knappen over på manuel flash (lynet med et lille M ved siden af).

Når den blå diode blinker, kan du slippe test-knappen. Nu er flashen i “learning-mode” og når du tager et billede med dit kamera, vil Symbiosis registerere det, og lære hvordan din flash på kameraet opfører sig. Du gør det samme med den næste Symbiosis, hvis du har to.

Dette skal bare gøres denne ene gang, og er ikke noget, du skal gøre, hver gang du skal under vandet.

Nu har du synkroniseret dit kamera med Symbiosis SS-2 og det skulle gerne spare dig for de frustrationer, jeg havde 🙂

How to pair your Symbiosis SS-2 with your cameras flash

I bought two Symbiosis SS-2 to upgrade my flashes from Sea&Sea YS-D2, and I couldn’t wait to pick them up.

But the joy of new toys was quickly ruined by the fact, that whenever I turned to flash to 12 and above (the strength goes from 1 to 15), the flash would fire, but the camera didn’t catch any of that great light coming from the flashes. This was the sam for both of them, and that told me, that it was probably a user error, as the odds of both brand new flashes have the same error was slim to none.

The reason for the flashes not behaving the way I thought they would turned out to be a simple thing (as these things usually are). The Symbiosis flashes needed to learn how my cameras pre-flash worked – and it’s all there in the manual. But who reads the manual, when there only 4 buttons/dials and the things? I sure didn’t and I figured, that there’s probably one or two out there like me, who just hurry to charge the batteries and then gets started with the manual still sitting in the bottom of the box. And as I didn’t get any smarter from Googling, I thought I would make a quick tutorial on how to synchronize your camera with the Symbiosis SS-2.

Here goes.

How to sync your camera with the Symbiosis Flash

When everything is plugged in, you start by turning on your camera, and makes sure the flash fires when you press the shutter. Then you hold the “Test” button on the flash, as you turn the knob to manual (the flash symbol with the little m beside it).

When the blue light starts flashing, you can let go of the test-button. Now the flash is in learning-mode, and when you press the trigger on your camera, the flash fires through the sync-cable and the flash learns how your cameras pre-flash works. If you have to Symbiosis, then you just repeat this with the next one.

This is not something, you need to each time you want to below the surface to shoot some great photos. The flash remebers your camera now.

Now that your camera and flash knows one another, you hopefully avoid the frustrations I wnet through with my new gear. Happy shooing 🙂


Symbiosis SS-2 flash og nauticam undervandshus
Symbiosis SS-2 flash i learning mode
Symbiosis SS-2 flash